We all struggle to tap into our Higher Mind for guidance, because life often seems to block out our clarity. But, this morning a powerful insight struck me – that Gratitude (with a capital G!) is an opening to connection with our own inner wisdom, clarity, and inspiration, with no real effort. Here’s how the insight developed.

Mornings with loved ones are where the spiritual and earth forces meet. Wonderful discussions, sharings and debates rise up over the morning cup of tea, while still in pajamas.

This morning we debated the merit of focusing on Soul vs. Higher Mind, the functional apparatus for communication from Soul.  Gratitude, or direct appreciation, increases the finer frequencies that create an opening between our ordinary conscious and the Higher Mind.   This is the Holy Grail. Why do I call it the Holy Grail?

Because living in direct connection with Higher Mind/Soul is where all of the clarity, meaning and, ultimately, joy of life is coming from. Our Soul’s expanded view of our potential and its incredibly clever ways of manifesting what is for our best is incomprehensible to our ordinary waking mind. This small mind’s lists and plans are truly laughable in the presence of the Higher Mind. But, we are human, and the small mind makes us feel like we have some kind of control over our fate.

When we go into a meditation on gratitude, however, we are conjuring up appreciation for all of the good that has expressed itself in our lives. (If we have wisdom, we are also grateful for those things that challenge us, knowing they are paving the way for the better.)

While being in this state, with closed eyes, we feel these finer feelings akin to a kind of love wash over us. We may tingle, feel euphoric or blissed out. I used to become lost in these sessions because the feelings were so pleasant that time stopped.

These subtle feelings expand our field then into a much finer frequency, one that is much more closely attuned to the Higher Mind. This fosters an openness that is not normally reached while in our daily functional mode, which is oriented to the “doing” of life. This “doing” mode is a more protective and closed field.

Many would say that meditation alone can do this and, in many cases of devout mediators, this is true. But even the novice can create this access to Soul through the feelings of Gratitude.

As another benefit, the things, people, or states of being that we focus upon become energetically empowered via the effects of magnetism. The very focusing of our high-frequency mental/emotional energy upon something amasses a supportive field of energy around it.  That is how remote healing works, as one example.  The quality and beauty of the feeling and thought together, causes a reality-changing injection of energy.

In summary, taking time for Gratitude helps us enjoy powerful positive feelings that open doorways to our Higher Mind that can then whisper its wisdoms into our minds (The Holy Grail).  At the same time we empower the very people and things that we focus on during the meditation.

This is the epitome of a Win-Win-Win!