Targets, Frauds and Fake Frauds
The world of information streaming that dares to go go beyond the accepted and sanctioned dogma is filled with landmines. It’s an ugly world where the gloves are taken off to either discredit or cause harm to the life of individuals who have been targeted. Conversely, frauds of all kinds, claiming to be the ONLY one “in the know” litter the internet. In this commentary, I am sharing an inside glimpse of how the process of targeting individuals in alternative media, myself included, works. And as it is up to each of us to discern truth and mindfully choose who and what we consume these days, I’ll also be sharing what to look for in a “thought leader” and when to run! I don’t generally share personal information, but this goes far beyond me and affects many other people you may watch on YouTube or private sites. I hope this helps!
Your Thoughts Never Die with Darius J. Wright
We’ve all seen the bumper stickers the past few decades, “What you think you become.” It’s true. Imagine you’ve passed out of this world and are given your highlight reels of ALL of the thoughts you indulged in your lifetime. You’d probably notice that the thoughts that were most persistent ultimately dictated the quality of your life.
Darius J. Wright will tell you that’s absolutely true. As an Out of Body Experiencer, he has learned to navigate the realms and dimensions of earth without fear and tells us that our thoughts never die. And, that the ones we repeat become our destiny. In his experience thoughts are tangible, visible things he can see on the other side and that they gain mass due to reinforced or repetitious thought. This means that if we don’t like what we see, we need to choose the quality of our thoughts more carefully as we are truly co-creators of the world around us. For me, this is addressing the basis of reality itself. Enjoy!
Are We Dopamine Junkies? with Anna Lembke, M.D.
Are you living for one source of pleasure after the next? Whether it be social media, romance novels, video games, online sex, food, alcohol or drugs, Psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, author of internationally acclaimed Dopamine Nation, says we’re risking mass depression if we don’t let our brain recover with a little boredom or pain. You may have felt this yourself after indulging in the things you love doing too much or too often. We need more and more to feel satisfied. Or we may feel anxious when we’re separated from our “addiction.” It all comes down to how our brain produces the feel-good chemical Dopamine. This is a fascinating story of what happens in our world of overindulgence. Enjoy!
Oppenheimer-Einstein UFO Letter Authentication
When I released my commentary about the little known Oppenheimer-Einstein letter to then President Truman, there were naturally questions regarding its authenticity. To remedy this, I went back to the source, UFO archivist and researcher Ryan Woods, to get a deeper understanding about the origin of the letter. This conversation addresses the authenticity of the letter, which petitioned the President to consider a new global agency such as the United Nations to handle our relationships with extraterrestrials in the wake of the atomic bomb. Both Oppenheimer (who had top security clearance) and Einstein believed the increased UFO activity the military was involved with was a response to having mishandled atomic energy in a destructive manner. Enjoy!
How To Survive the Emotion of Fear in 2024 with Belinda Womack
Belinda Womack and the Twelve Archangels are back with us to give us some beautiful and useful techniques for unloading the heavier baggage of our emotions. While emotions are how we transform, love and grow, some of the denser trapped emotions are taking our frequencies down. When we are in these patterns it is nearly impossible to rise into the higher frequencies of love that are beckoning us to move forward in these challenging times. So, how do we simply, beautifully, respectfully and easily move those dense emotions upward? The Archangels have a lovely practice for us in this interview along with many other words of wisdom including “2024 will begin to bring in the joy of that which will shock you!”
Elon Musk: Humanity’s Friend or Foe?
The human phenomenon named Elon Musk has become perhaps the most controversial person on the planet. He is an extraordinarily complex man on a mission, which has radically transformed six industries. – PayPal, the solar, electric industry, electric vehicles, space travel, AI, NeuroLink. But he lives and speaks unfiltered as he is “on the spectrum“ with Asperger syndrome. This means that intellectually, he’s extremely high in function, but low in his ability to connect easily with other people and has little to no impulse control. This means that what is in his head or heart comes out of his mouth, or fingertips (texting/Tweeting) without understanding the consequences. I have learned that this has caused him great regret over his lifetime
Because he’s having such a massive impact on humanity’s future (and in the headlines most days), I decided to offer a feature commentary hopscotching through his life, missions and relationships with others. This is not by no means a comprehensive view as it would take many hours, but hopefully gives a solid glimpse into his life so you can decide for yourself, ”Is he humanity’s friend or foe?”
Please feel free to leave respectful comments or questions. Enjoy.
2024: Time To Be Bold!
You can feel it in your bones. 2024 is confronting us with both a daunting and an energizing invitation to snap out of any complacency and come back to life. I feel it as something pushing me forward, making me antsy and restless, seeking change. To get a better idea of the cosmic energetics that are in play I decided to speak with my friends and colleagues about what Pluto moving into Aquarius on January 20th REALLY means to us. What I learned is that the great Age of Aquarius is now firmly upon us, which means that we now witness the old ways crumbling, while beautiful, new green sprouts rise up underneath to create a new foundation for life on earth. But it won’t be smooth. At the end of my commentary I offer a couple of ways to maintain our relationships, while the world seems to spin off kilter. Go forward brave souls into the unknown landscape of 2024!!
Kicking Evil’s A**! with Cate Montana
Cate Montana is a warrior with an unprecedented level of transparency. As a child she could feel the room turn cold when her grandmother was in it and began seeing patterns of darkness entering into the bodies of others. It wasn’t until later in her life and career that she understood it and named it – Evil. Cate shares in her new book, Cracking the Matrix, that Evil is not indigenous to earth and its people, rather a force that has insinuated itself into our lives starting at the highest institutional levels to everyday life. All we need to do is read the day’s headlines to see Evil in full force. It hinges on its ability to make us feel fearful but we can say “No more!” Despite the topic, this is actually a light-hearted and uplifting perspective on taking back our true power. Enjoy!
Exploring the Mind of the Universe with Christopher Bache, Ph.D.
Every now and then I meet someone who casts an entirely new light on the Meaning of Life and the Nature of Reality. Christopher Bache, Ph.D., reached this peak awareness through massive doses of LSD over a couple of decades, a practice he steadfastly tells people to avoid. But, as the guinea pig, he put his psyche, physical, mental and emotional health on the line in search of the Truth. What he brings us is nothing short of pure gold for truth seekers through his book LSD and the Mind Of the Universe. Enjoy!
So You Think You’re Human? with Tanis Helliwell
It’s been said that there’s no such thing as a pure human, that we’re all hybrids of one kind or another. In Tanis Helliwell’s book Hybrids: So You Think You Are Human? we take this concept to a new level. In her experience in dealing with psychotherapy clients, Tanis began seeing that we are truly all wired in an archetypally unique way. Able to see into other dimensions, Tanis could see the etheric blueprint surrounding her clients that reflected the elemental world. She identified 22 types of imprints, from Faeries and Elves to Horus and Els, and shares how they affect our personalities and behavior. Take the test and find your type! Enjoy!
Oppenheimer & Einstein Letter: Prepare for ET Colonization
The entry into the age of nuclear weaponry began a deep tailspin of mass anxiety for the world’s population. This was not lost on the man who was responsible for the invention of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, leader of the top-secret Manhattan Project. After the devastation that ended WWII in the Pacific, Oppenheimer was left searching his soul to make sense of what he had done, which he discussed with his friend Albert Einstein. Together they wrote a little known letter with a plan to the then President of the United States, Harry Truman. They urged him to form a global governance council to oversee relations with “celestial visitors” who they believed might have the right to colonize the Earth over our lack of human wisdom. Enjoy!
Dying To Be Me with Anita Moorjani
Anita Moorjani’s story of miraculous healing from what appeared to be certain death has served as inspiration for what our innate spirit and body intelligence is capable of. But the story is larger than that. Joy and appreciation for your life here on earth IS the juice that fuels us to move through the challenge of it all with strength and grace. It’s not a bumper sticker, it’s what allowed Anita to heal in the first place. She describes what it was like to return to an 85 pound body ravaged with cancer, heal and thrive. She shares a story of love, a love that is merciful, empathetic, patient and kind not only awaits all of us, but is permeating our lives NOW – if we choose to live within it.
ET Contact and the Bible Before God with Paul Wallis
The title of Paul Wallis’ new book is ’The Eden Conspiracy’, which shows how Yahweh, the ‘God’ of the Old Testament is actually the story of a colonizer who refuses to let go of control over the human species. A brutal and powerful entity, physically described as dragon like, this being was elevated to the status of God by the Jewish Monarchy of ancient Judea, King Josiah, in order to gain control over the funds and minds of the people. This is a fascinating journey into the Old Testament which calls into question once again, our human origins and what the ancients may have actually been trying to show us through the stories within the Bible.
The World’s Most Researched UFO Contactee with Christopher Bledsoe
Some people sit under the stars pointing lasers to the night skies to attract alien contact. Others are chosen whether they want it or not. Christopher Bledsoe and his family were chosen.
Chris’s journey began while begging the heavens to stop the pain in his body so he could continue to live. His prayers were answered and then some. Not only did his Chrone’s Disease disappear, he called in a trio of small beings and “The Lady”, who continued to show up in his life at the least expected times. “The lady” told him to share everything he learned, which he did. This drew the attention of MUFON, the Discovery Channel, NASA, CIA, DIA and every other alphabet soup agency. He is the subject of continued research, particularly since the contact transformed him into a healer, remote viewer, and visionary with a message. Enjoy!
The Missing Piece to ‘Manifestation’ with Dr. Tara Swart, M.D.
Two decades ago a film swept the world giving people a glimpse of what they could manifest if they used ‘The Secret’ as suggested. In the 1920’s Napoleon Hill brought the world ’Think and Grow Rich’. These works’ time came and went, and most never manifested their dreams. Why? Because wishing, dreaming and affirmations or exclusive manipulation of the brain, are only part of the story. Dr. Tara Swart’s new book ‘The Source’ tells the full story of the Greater Mind, and how each and every one of us needs to let go of the story “That’s just the way I am” or “That’s just how it is” with the power of a science-backed understanding of the workings of the Mind in its entirety. In truth, we can change our brain, our mind and their creative manifesting potential at any stage of life! But to have these changes take shape in the physical actually necessitates some mechanical parts of the process need to be understood. Science has come to know that just thinking or dreaming of something doesn’t make it real, nor does the sheer force of will alone work. But the marriage of imagination, practice, repetition and joy does! This is for anyone who wants to know how to truly use their Mind as it was intended- to create the reality we desire. Enjoy!
Is Your Destiny in a Deck of Cards with Robert Lee Camp
There was once a secret system of determining one’s destiny, foretelling the quality of relationships and of our own purpose in life, but it was buried for thousands of years. In 1893 a mystic named Olney Richmond broke the silence and shared this system based on the 52 playing cards in a deck of cards. Cards have been with all major cultures for hundreds, even thousands, of years. But what are they based on? Why are their characterizations and predictions so accurate? Robert Lee Camp has made the cards his life’s work, simplifying a once extremely complex system so anyone can successfully use it. Once you do, patterns begin to emerge. Would it be surprising to know that Xi Jinping, Putin and Zelensky all have the same card? Wait until you learn what that card represents! Enjoy!
Sexual Shame and Violence with I.J. (Jerry) Weinstock
Boys who cannot have intimate relationships are at the backbone of today’s epidemic of mass violence according to spiritualist and author I.J. (Jerry) Weinstock. Western society all but openly discourages young people from coming together face to face, experimenting and learning the rules of engagement regarding love. This boots in the trenches education is essential for transforming fear and awkwardness into confidence and ease in the foundational years of relationship building. Feeling lonely, shy, inept and ashamed of being without intimate partners, Weinstock says violence and hate become a viable option for young men to feel their power. But all of this can be changed with wisdom and mature modeling within the family! Enjoy!
A Leprechaun’s Story (as told by Lloyd) with Tanis Helliwell
Happy St. Patty’s Day!
Tanis Helliwell thought she had done her part, she had shared her experience living with Leprechaun’s at Crumpaun Cottage in Achille, Ireland. When she returned to the site for a much deserved vacation, she had no sooner landed when Lloyd said, “Yer to tell me story.” He began dictating to her about the life of Leprechauns and other elementals in the dimension they reside in – the astral plane. With similar social customs and rules, the Elementals are trying to learn from humans even as they assist us in re-connecting with our beautiful Gaia and the Elemental Kingdom. Enjoy!
Gene Keys: It’s ALL About Relationships! with Richard Rudd
When we suck in our last breaths, in the final moments of our lives, it won’t be ETs, Conspiracy or UFOs we’re thinking of. It will be our relationships – our greatest teacher and benefactor. And, never have we seen a time in history where we struggle so greatly with our relationships. The hideous way in which the media manipulated us during COVID and recent political elections to turn against one another has had devastating consequences. So let’s go back to basics, the cleanest and clearest path forward to re-establish caring and nurturing relationships. The Venus Sequence is part 3 in my conversation with Richard Rudd where we see how we function in our relationships from our lowest to our highest. Do we hide when conflict comes? Confront? Run? Manipulate? We’ll take a look at the fascinating ways in which we all cope and (hopefully) grow through our relationships. Enjoy!
The Psychic Paramedic with Sarah K Grace
When we dive by a crash scene, traffic slows and necks crane out toward the tragedy. But what’s actually happening with the victims and their trauma care workers? And what happens when the paramedic is psychic and can see everything unfolding in and around the victim? Is there such a thing as demons greeting the newly departed? Do any of us ever die alone? What does it look like when a soul enters the world through birth? In this conversation with Sarah Grace, a psychic paramedic and healer, we learn the answer to these questions and much more. Enjoy!
Tech and AI Can’t Trump the Soul with the THEO Group
As humanity enters further into the advancement of technology and increased use of artificial intelligence, I have been curious to hear other being’s perspectives on the future of Earth and its people. Is AI an unavoidable aspect to humanity and Earth’s evolution? Is it safe to embrace or something to be cautious of? Are we heading toward a complete merge of AI and organic life? Have other civilizations been faced with the same challenge and if so, what was the outcome? And then there are the new generations. Is the effect technology is having on childhood development and attention spans leading us toward the new human or away from it? Sheila, the Theo Group and I dive into all these questions and more in an effort to find perspective and understanding in this current phase of growth we find ourselves in. If you’ve been curious yourself where this all is leading, this is an illuminating and empowering discussion.
Unplugging: Taking the Plunge Into The Unknown with Ray Martin
There have been times when all of us have had the desire to simply unplug from it all, to hit the road, drop out of the world we know. With the world around us changing so rapidly in what it offers by way of resources, and how we can access those resources, this question is coming closer to center stage.
Ray Martin was confronted with this as his marriage, social structure and work life disintegrated. He saw parts of himself he knew were working against him and took the big leap – to leave it all behind. This put him in strange situations and lands, and, after 14 years on the road he shares what he learned. This is an inspiration for anyone who is ready to – or contemplating – cutting loose!
When Can ETs Intervene? with Tim
It has been said that no species shall interfere with a developing species and it is the right of each sentient species to learn and grow into their highest potential.
Still, we hear constant stories of how various self-interested, or self-appointed, ET races have interfered – or intervened – with the human species. In this discussion, Tim, a member of an “unacknowledged special project team” in Germany explains that governments have been using advanced technologies to compress (or make coherent) messages from beings in other dimensions. He states his team was able to contact a collective of ET and inter-dimensional races called ‘Being 6’ who gave them an overview of what is playing out on earth. They shared that the human species has the ability to become one of the most spiritually advanced in the universe – once we free ourselves from outside control. Discernment, love and cooperation are the keys, and now is the moment as the earth’s frequencies shift to a higher level.
A Jerusalem Christmas Story
With all of the hustle bustle and commercialism of the holiday season, I felt inclined to keep it simple and share with you one of my favorite Christmas experiences. It happened in perhaps the most conflicted part of the world where people are encouraged to fear, even hate, one another. But this is a story of love and of conquering that fear. I share this in the spirit of Hanukkah, Christmas and Hajj! Enjoy!
Are You Cursed? with Jan Engels-Smith
No doubt there have been times in your life when you’ve felt cursed, nothing is going right. Perhaps there is even a theme of roadblocks to attaining certain experiences or things in life. According to Jan Engel-Smith, these challenges are often the effect of curses playing out. What is a curse? It can be malevolent, backed with intense intention, or it can be something as ubiquitous as adages that play out in families or society such as “Money doesn’t grow on trees” that can lead to lack, feelings of insufficiency or anxiety. Curses were also common in past lives where ritual may have been involved to deepen the lasting effect. In today’s divided world, some of our judgmental and darker thoughts may be carrying much more weight than we are aware of, but, while the energy of curses and spells doesn’t go away, it CAN be undone or transformed. Enjoy!
Break Through The Limits of the Brain with Joseph Selbie
It’s so easy to blame the outside world on our woes, so easy to look outside of ourselves in general for answers. The truth is, everything that we are experiencing is part of a much larger holographic reality in which we are co-creators. From the moments we confer with our guiding teams before birthing into a body, we begin setting up what we will attempt to learn, be gifted with and challenged by. Once we understand that this transitory moment, this single lifetime is part of a continuum that has been traveled for aeons, we can relax a bit and put the craziness of the moment into context. Maybe even have a laugh or two and the insanity – including our own! Joseph Selbie is the perfect person for the message as a lifelong devotee to studying consciousness resulting in his book Break Through the Limits of the Brain and The Theory of God. Enjoy!
ETs: Trouble Entering Human Bodies with Dr. Linda Backman
Dr. Linda Backman is a protegee, and was a co-teacher with Michael Newton of Destiny of Souls fame. She began seeing a noticeable shift in the people coming in for regression about 15 years ago, increasing to this day. More than 50-60% of the people being regressed discovered themselves in lives that were not on this planet. So why the increase in ET and inter-dimensional souls incarnating as humans? And, what are the challenges for these souls who have had few if any lives on earth before? Some of these traits may seem familiar to you and we need to begin understanding that the nature of the New Human is changing. Enjoy!
Lifting the Consciousness of Your Home with Dr. Gary Schwartz & Jeff Stegman
Famed scientist and researcher of consciousness, Dr. Gary Schwartz of University of Arizona, Tucson, has recently turned his eye toward Focused Light Force Energy (FLFE), which is good news for all of us! FLFE is a technology of the future, which, while people are greatly benefiting from it, it’s still hard to explain. Meanwhile, the founders of FLFE are devoted to putting their consciousness-enhancing technology to the test, which led to the partnership with Dr. Schwartz, director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. In this episode, we will look at studies proving the effects of FLFE on the growth and yields of crops and plants, as well as how FLFE has outperformed expectations in the area of EMF sensitivity. I, personally, am thrilled to now be able to sleep in hotels and densely populated areas again without my limbs buzzing! Enjoy!
Is Narcissism Becoming Epidemic? with Melanie Tonia Evans
One of the most searched words on the internet these days is ‘narcissism.’ It’s also bandied about like it’s a common condition. The word is also often misused. To find out more about the truly devastating dilemma of being involved with a genuine narcissist, I spoke with Melanie Tonia Evans, who has spent a decade lecturing to both professionals in mental health care and the public about the effects of narcissists on the people around them. Melanie says the problem is becoming of epidemic proportions, and it’s usually the loved ones that are most damaged in the end. One of the communities that has been deeply impacted by the growing numbers of narcissists is the New Age and modern spiritual movements. Self-proclaimed gurus are being busted in greater numbers for abusing their followers through narcissistic behavior. From gurus to family members, this is a tricky condition to identify and heal from so let’s get started by hearing Melanie out.
Medical Intuitives: The Missing Link with Wendie Colter
Chronic, undiagnosable conditions and diseases have become ubiquitous. The pain and frustration caused by not being able to find the source of our growing list of medical conditions has left many people feeling hopeless. In addition, confidence in traditional medicine has been waning as a result of unsuccessful treatment and the rising instance of medical error – the 4th highest cause of death in the U.S. So what can we do about it? Find a good, qualified, medical intuitive! This growing group of intuitives, such as Wendie Colter, are worth their weight in gold when they can offer a glimpse into a condition that your doctor has missed or does not have the means to diagnose. In short, we need a second opinion now more than ever, and I believe this field needs to be acknowledged and folded into our healthcare. Enjoy!
Your Journey into Genius with Richard Rudd
What if we were all born with our highest potential baked into our genes? What if there were keys to access these profound aspects of Genius within us? Consider it to be true. One of the more elegant and profound paths of discovery of our Genius is through The Gene Keys. In part two of my conversation with Richard Rudd, we prompt you to download your own free profile and follow along while we get a rare personal glimpse into the creator of the Gene Keys as we dive into his Genius sequence. A bit of my own chart is peppered in this as well by way of illustration. This way of understanding Self requires maturity as we gently feel our way into both our Genius and our Shadow, which can keep us from our Genius. So, print out a copy of your chart and let’s begin!
Messages From The Other Side: “Don’t do it!” with Maureen Hancock
Maureen Hancock is a gifted spirit medium and demand for her work has reached a feverish pitch. Her fastest growing demographic are the parents of children who have taken their lives. Surrounded by a world that often seems to offer no viable future, suicide can seem a reasonable alternative for some. The messages coming from the other side, however, offer regrets. As dark as life can seem, it becomes clear that Love is what matters, and Love is what can keep each and every one of us grounded into Earth life. Thus, these are messages of love with a cautionary warning for those in despair shared in Maureen’s uniquely upbeat and even humorous way. Enjoy!
The Gene Keys: Our Secret Codes to Transformation with Richard Rudd
Once in a blue moon, a system for understanding consciousness emerges that is genuinely useful. Richard Rudd’s Gene Keys provides a way of engaging our innate DNA codes, which house our potential. And the Gene Keys do so filled with light and gentleness! After diving into my own personal Gene Keys profile, I began the journey down the rabbit hole of viewing our Shadows and Gifts and found them uncannily accurate. My friends joined in and it was decided that I would interview Richard over the course of 3 interviews. This, the first part in our series, focuses on how The Gene Keys came into existence after a couple of epic 3-day journey’s/downloads leading to this profound body of work. This will be followed by Part 2, which will focus on our Life’s Purpose, followed by Part 3, The Venus Sequence, the keys that show us how we function in relationships, from our shadow to our highest, most loving, potential. Stay tuned over the next couple of months for the releases of Part 2 & 3. Enjoy!
Good Morning Henry: Your Body NEVER Lies with Tanis Helliwell
In this time of instant gratification and delusion, the casualty has been Truth. So much so that one of the most often stated phrases I hear from people seeking truth is that they don’t know what’s real anymore. According to
Tanis Helliwell, we CAN find our truth once again, IF we start listening to our body, the instrument of all natural intelligence. We’ve all known for decades that living a lie can show itself in all types of ill health, but we haven’t focused on the reverse, which is how to listen to our body for our ultimate truths. Tanis’ new book Good Morning Henry was eight years in the making because Tanis needed to live each principle before writing the next chapter. Pearls of wisdom drip from its pages in addressing how the quality of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions chart our future. All of the power is in our own hands to live a peaceful and deeply satisfying life, IF we stop ignoring our body’s messages which are informed by the soul, emotions and subconscious mind. Enjoy!
Why Am I Here? with Fr. Sean O’Laoire, Ph.D.
I was having a conversation with Father Sean O’Laoire recently about what we hold as ideals vs. how we actually act, think or behave. The secret to understanding our reason for incarnation, says Father Sean, can become known to us by taking a deep and truthful look at our ideals vs. our behavior. In the book ‘Why? What Your Life Is Telling You About Who You Are And Why You’re Here’ we have a literal guidebook to revealing our true purpose in life. This slim little volume asks every essential question of us so we can see our true reflection written down in black and white. What emerges is an honest look at our greatest gifts, challenges and our purpose for incarnating. As always, this conversation is uplifting and supportive of an invitation to help us line up with the highest in ourselves so we can experience genuine happiness. Enjoy!
It’s Better Than You Think! with Laurie McDonald
For decades spiritual communities have been told that our earth was going to go through another mass extinction and it’s OUR fault. No. We are not going through another mass extinction anytime soon.
Because of the number of people I am in contact with and the stories they share, I felt it was time to stand up against this deplorable story that human beings are deplorables and should be ashamed of ourselves for existing. This is a story propagated by those who have had an unnatural and unkind influence on humankind since the beginning. We may not know their names, nor where they are from, but we do know they exist and have kept their proverbial boots on our necks for thousands of years. But we are waking up, and we are pulling off their masks.
From angels, to regression subjects to wise men and women and my own guides the story is the same – humankind is on a path of progression back toward another Golden Age. Yes, it’ll get messier before we break through, but we WILL break through in time. Until then, we need to relax, regain control of our hearts and minds, stop being mindless consumers and begin asking new questions. Enjoy!
Hybridization of Humans with Jen Sullivan
Jen Sullivan may be familiar to some of you as the hypnosis regression subject of Sarah Breskman in her book titled ‘A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis’. She is now being featured in Sarah’s new book ‘A Hypnotist’s Journey to The Secrets of the Sphinx’. Her regressions took Jen back to her previous lifetime in which she remembered her early times on earth as part of an off-planet society who came here to hybridize their species with humans. Their planet was dying, and they were creating backup plans that were boosted by human DNA. We spoke of the hybridization program, Atlantis and the seeding of a New Earth in Part One of our conversation, which will be continued soon into both the history of Mars and the Sphinx. Enjoy!
Good gods, Bad gods with Paul Anthony Wallis
Wallis is an Anglican pastor who, like Erich von Daniken in his days as Catholic clergy, began wrangling with the big and uncomfortable biblical passages through fresh translation. The stories of the Old Testament didn’t seem cohesive. How can you have, on one hand, a God who is life-giving and caring toward humans and another who is homicidal and cruel? As he began looking at the possibility of literal translation, rather than metaphorical and inspirational, the story of ET intervention in humanity became clear, again, as it did for von Daniken. Wallis blended this interpretation with indigenous folklore of clans from around the world being assisted by very tall, beautiful, pale or shining human-like beings during times of great earthly strife. Our conversation wandered into the arena of how these stories have affected both the Judeo-Christian world and the indigenous cultures around the world in terms of our collective self-worth. It’s a conversation to be continued and I hope you enjoy it!
Guides Speak on Guiding Humans with Sheila Gillette
I find it ironic that so many of us human beings feel that we are alone with our challenges when we are, in fact, surrounded by wisdom that is simply waiting to be asked for help. In an effort to help us understand this better, I spoke with the Theo group through channel Sheila Gillette.
In our conversation, Theo tells us that not only is the opportunity to incarnate as human “exquisite,” but that there are billions of souls waiting for this experience. Why? Because this five sense world offers a cornucopia of potential engagement. And, Theo adamantly says, WE are the authors of our lives and that each incarnation is complete in itself and that we do NOT finish life dragging a trail of karma with us. Also discussed was the question of when a guide can assist and when they cannot assist us, and that our entrenched beliefs and lack of self-worth are the main obstacles to our engaging guidance. I found this a very relevant conversation for these times in which many people feel earth life is not worth it. Enjoy!
The Secrets of the Sphinx (via Regression) with Sarah Breskman Cosme
Master hypnotist and author Sarah Breskman is back with us taking her story of Atlantis ahead into ancient Egypt. Her star regression client, Jen, once again lept back in time and suddenly found herself at the Sphinx and was shown it’s alien origin. Designed as a storage and communication device to star civilizations, Sarah was told that what lies underneath was designed and left behind to change humanity – once we are ready. The ultimate destination is ‘ascension’….a state of refined frequencies that allow us the choice of whether to stay on this earth or move on. Enjoy!
What Is Remote Viewing, and Is It For You? with Sean McNamara
Sean McNamara says he started as an ordinary person with no exceptional talent for the extraordinary things his mind can now perform. He claims that anyone can do what he does through practice and hard work. In this video, Sean and I have a lovely conversation about how remote viewing functions, when it does and doesn’t work, and when it shouldn’t be used at all. There is an important lesson here in discerning truth without an intermediary. This is especially important in a time when people, en masse, are asking the question — “How do I know what’s true anymore?” It becomes our responsibility, given this information, to use our minds in a more profound and accurate way to regain our personal sovereignty, and to avoid abusive situations, like what Sean experienced in this Buddhist training.
Love, Hope, Give with Gates McKibbin
There is no greater story than that of true love, especially in a time where it feels all but lost. Two decades ago Gates McKibbin was serving as a scribe to her guiding forces when they asked her to pick up a pen and pad of paper and begin writing what she was told. The result is 4 books that share a beautiful story of twin flames from their inception. As they traverse time, they come together now and again with a sense of instant recognition and a love that does not waiver no matter the circumstances. As you journey through this series, you share in this visceral and steadfast love connection that virtually every human is seeking. It reads as a cross between Joan Grant and Anastasia, though Gates knew nothing of these authors, nor the history she reveals – all of which was validated years later. Enjoy and Share as a holiday gift to your friends!
Meet ‘The Druid’ with Fr. Sean O’Laoire, Ph.D.
It’s rare to find intellect married with heart and deep indigenous understanding. The result is a kind of wisdom we seldom have access to. This makes my conversation with Fr. Sean O’Laoire a genuine treat for those of us searching for broad, over-arching wisdom to contend with the times we are living in. Sean comes from a background of Catholicism and Druidism, having been raised by his grandparents in Ireland. He obtained his Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology, attended seminary for eight years to become a Catholic priest, has studied the Vedas and Buddhism and spent 14 years in Africa learning indigenous myth and wisdom. He pulls no punches in acknowledging what humanity is up against and shares this brilliantly through his natural Bardic storytelling. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did because I plan on having Sean back regularly!
Women Are Quitting the Workforce in Droves with Kayla Osterhoff
“Women are the most untapped resource on the planet” and we’re burning out at alarming rates. That’s the observation of Kayla Osterhoff, former CDC scientist and consultant to major corporations on the neuropsychophysiology of women in the workforce. Why is this important? Because major scientific studies conclude that women are natural leaders and are now leaving the workforce in droves. This means that the people most capable of making decisions that impact the public will no longer be “in the room.” Kayla explains why and that the problem will become much worse before it gets better. The reason? Women are trying to work like men, which burns us out early in life. COVID helped this play out. So how do we fix it?
I’m Still with You: Love From The Other Side with Sherrie Dillard
These are unprecedented times on so many levels, not the least of which is people choosing to exit their earth life. The number of suicides, overdoses and deaths through wreckless activity has skyrocketed over the past two years according to Sherrie Dillard, a first-class medium who speaks with those who have passed. This isn’t even taking COVID deaths into account. I chose to speak with Sherrie so we could begin finding the silver linings of these mass numbers of people transitioning. First and foremost is the understanding that we have far more help than we can even imagine waiting for our acknowledgement from our guides and loved ones on the other side where love is the medium souls are bathed in. Enjoy!
Global Madness: Can We Unite? with Dr. Fred Moss
Dr. Fred Moss wears his psychiatrist’s heart on his sleeve. He says that many more of us than we can imagine are only a “half an inch away” from what others would call mentally ill, including himself. But what does that really mean? There is no actual medical diagnosis for mental illness, rather a collection of symptoms that don’t fit in with societal norms, And this norm changes from region to region, country to country. One thing that remains steadfast though, is that we consider people not like us somehow less valuable. Through his choice to reform mental health care, Dr. Fred says what is actually needed is for EVERY person’s story to be heard, deeply heard. As one twist in the story, he shares that he was once homeless too and sometimes longs for those days of wild, unbridled freedom. Enjoy!
Temple Of The Soul: Our Body as Spiritual Healer with Tanis Helliwell
So many of the Eastern and Wisdom teachings instruct us to look to our spirit when seeking meaningful change in our lives. In fact, some of these philosophies suggest that the body is a prison and our lifetimes of endeavour are only useful to catapult ourselves out of Earth’s dimension where we can live blissfully as non-physical beings. But this is problematic as we are in Earth bodies with their own wisdom and records. Tanis and I speak about how we need to engage the body itself when looking to lift our spiritual experience on earth and contend with the current Chaos. It’s a different twist than is often taught, but makes a great argument for honouring our bodies as the Temple of our Soul during times of Great Change.
Galactic Influence on Humanity with Debbie Solaris
Debbie Solaris was an unlikely person to begin communicating with extraterrestrial species. But, after an OBE in 2012 in which she was taken up in a Pleiadian craft, her world abruptly changed. She was downloaded day after day with the history of the cosmos and calls herself a galactic historian. Today she shares her collected knowledge via her beautifully illustrated site and serves to demystify our origins and contact with extraterrestrials – including Reptilians, which was the focus of this conversation. How is the Reptilian species influencing humankind in today’s, many would say darkening, world.
Doctor Speaks Truth to Power with Dr. Dan Stock, MD
A few weeks ago a video of a doctor standing before a regional school board in Indiana telling them they were being fed false information regarding COVID. The video went viral. I applauded when I listened to this brave soul explain that the CDC and NIH were not...
Scientists Found That The Soul Doesn’t Die – It Goes Back To The Universe
Shared from: Peace Quarters According to two leading scientists, the human brain is, in fact, a ‘biological computer’ and the consciousness of people is a program run by the quantum computer located inside the brain that even continues to exist after we die. As...
The “Numbing” Down of America
The most commonly uttered phrase I have heard over the last week in response to the unfathomable number of mass shootings is “I feel numb.” Fifty-seven multiple and mass shooting events in the United States since July 4th, Independence Day, just a month ago. The...
Always Choose Love!
My friend Mitra, died on Sunday – Easter, April Fool’s Day and the day of the Blue Moon. A perfect exit!
Before he died, he was drifting in and out of consciousness for the last weeks. Mostly out. I have found that this is a time when a soul is easy to contact.
Mainstream Media Gets On Board with UFOs
A New York Times article was released December 16th, 2017 revealing a black budget funded secret Pentagon program – Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) – that is charged with investigating UFO sightings and encounters. Fifty years ago it was called Project Blue Book,
Why Gratitude Works!
We all struggle to tap into our Higher Mind for guidance, because life often seems to block out our clarity. But, this morning a powerful insight struck me – that Gratitude (with a capital G!) is an opening to connection with our own inner wisdom, clarity, and inspiration, with no real effort. Here’s how the insight developed.